TRUTH WIRE 2016 crop

{ project } TRUTH is a collaborative effort inspired by the masterpieces of American artist Robert Indiana—the creator of LOVE and HOPE. Utilizing the Cindiana TRUTH (c) wireframe, individual artists design a corroborating infographic to represent their personal theme. {project} TRUTH is a cohesive collection intended to unite the artists and communicate the importance of these matters ranging from local issues to global concerns.


Wars in the World Today
Today’s wars kill and displace more people leading to the highest number of refugees ever. This project brings  awareness to the areas of conflict. Stabilizing the world’s most vulnerable areas should be a major, global foreign policy imperative — and not just a moral one, given that these regions often serve as a haven for terrorists and transnational criminals.

BeeAWARE: Declining Honey Bee Populations
The honey bee and bumble bee populations have been significantly dropping over the last twenty years—resulting in negative impact for agriculture across the country. Often bees are seen as a nuisance and toxic pesticides are applied—doing more harm good. My TRUTH aims to draw attention to this rising concern and speak out in defense of these voiceless creatures and the benefits that they provide.


BrainFREEZE: Preparing Virtual Students for the Real World.
Online education is growing in popularity at an exponential rate. This project highlights the pros and cons of the debate surrounding the virtual classroom. Replacing traditional academic methods with new technologies while maintaining proper social exposure and human interaction is a significant challenge that should be critically examined to ensure that virtual students are prepared for the real world.


Outsider the Scene – Inside the Head.
Outsider art is a type of art created by people who are not formally trained artistically, and often have some degree of mental disorder. The work by outsider artists is usually emotional, loose and has a child-like quality. However, outsider artists are facing several severe problems that keep them “outside” of the mainstream art scene, and not able to have a bigger group of viewers.


Homeless Youth
Of the 550,000 homeless youth in America 69% are under the age of 18 and living on the streets without proper shelter, education, and often in ill health.  Every day homeless children struggle to survive and figure out when their next meal is going to be.


College = Bust
Can you put a price tag on education? Colleges and universities can. The cost of getting a higher education in America has become a growing concern, putting many of the country’s young adults in debt before they even enter the work force. This problem affects more than just the students and their families; the pressure that college debt has put on the economy is in no way helping the current recession.


Sexual Harassment on Campus.
Sexual harassment is an enormous problem around the world. Both men and women faced it at some point of their lives. My focus of attention went toward the United States and its colleges in specific. Being a student myself made me worried about this situation around the country. I tried to visualize this problem by using simple and recognizable icons, colors and elements. My project was about not only about bringing this problem into discussion and awareness, but also providing information on how to escape this kind of situations. This is why phone numbers and immediate steps were included.


Lucky Stroke – It’s Tested Smoking cigarettes has multiple health risks that are ignored by consumers. Most people are aware that smoking cigarettes can lead to overall bad health and even cancer. Many are not aware that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of stroke. Strokes are caused by reduced blood flow triggering dysfunction in parts of the brain. As this is a lesser known fact about the effects of cigarette smoking I believe that it is a truth that needs to be voiced.


Mental Health – The College Years
During the last ten years the percentage of people with mental issues has increased significantly. It is a serious social problem, especially college students. My TRUTH project is inspired by my personal experience. I have struggled with my mental health since childhood and when I started college it only got worse until I decided to talk about it and reach out for help. My project brings awareness to people who are struggling with their mental health and hopefully it will encourage them to talk about it.


September Eleventh – Personal Timeline
Although no one in my family died at the World Trade Center on 9/11, I have always felt drawn to understand the calamity of this tragic event. As a mere kindergartener, I vividly remember what happened around me on Staten Island that day. After speaking to my peers I realized that not many of them have such distinct memory or true understanding of what occurred. My age group specifically is one of the last generations who can personally recall where they were and what they did during those tragic moments. I feel it is my responsibility as a designer and as an American to communicate about September 11, 2001.


Transgender Equality
Transgender rights are falling behind in regards to the LGBT and gay rights movement and are commonly overlooked when many claim that things are finally more equal across the board of sexual orientation. Gender identity and its acceptance into the community is a completely different issue that needs more attention.


Peanut Alleriges
Peanut allergies have become a serious problem in the Western world. As I was growing up, I often heard from my Asian parents how peanut allergies were unheard of when they were growing up, and how it was a Western affliction. Because of this, I became interested in finding out the reasons behind this disparity. With the help of my father, a biomedical researcher, I created this infographic to help spread awareness about the severity of Western peanut allergies.


Global Water Crisis
3.58 million people die each year from water related diseases. Unsafe water causes 4 billion cases of diarrhea each year, and results in 2.2 million deaths, mostly of children under five. People in developing countries have never gotten the chance to taste a clean drop of water in their lives, due to not having access to clean drinking water. 2.4 million deaths could be prevented each year if people had access to clean water and adequate sanitation and practiced good hygiene.


Beauty Obsession
The whole world’s obsession with beauty has taken its toll on various individuals and in many different forms, but probably one of the most permanent and drastic examples of our beauty obsessed society is plastic surgery addiction. With the current larger-than-life-booty and boob craze that has taken over the American standard of beauty, we have seen a plastic surgery numbers go through the roof. While most plastic surgeries are for the most part subtle and natural looking enough.

Living with Lead: Utica NY
Utica, NY is currently number one in the state for childhood lead poisoning AND one of the smallest cities in the United States with one of the highest risks of exposure to lead. Low income neighborhoods are most greatly affected, Cornhill and West Utica are considered “red zones” in which over 64 cases of child lead poisoning were diagnosed from 1984-2004. That is at least four cases per year within one square mile of residential housing. Soil in the area has been tested and reported some lead levels as high as five times higher than what the EPA reports is hazardous to humans. Lead poisoning in children can cause issues with growth and development affecting behavior, auditory functions, and learning abilities as well as slowing the child’s growth. Lead poisoning in adults can cause damage to the brain and nervous system, the stomach, and the kidneys. It can also cause high blood pressure and numerous other health problems.

Your Word is Valid.
Sexual assault happens, and there is enough information trying to convince society of the facts. Honestly the statistics aren’t that important; what is important is how a survivor of sexual assault is treated. They need a certain amount of tender love and care when trying to battle such a sensitive topic. The truth is many who experience non-consensual sexual behavior also experience a decrease in their mental health. I am determined to change the way society thinks about non-consensual sex by focusing positive attention on the survivor and teaching others how to talk about it in a your-word-is-valid-and-i-want-to-help way.

Take a Hike
The National Park Service is celebrating it’s 100th anniversary this year. This infographic is created to enlighten its audience about the wonders the National Parks, what they have to offer, and to hopefully encourage them to visit one. Fun facts about the parks are delivered to excite the audience about getting outdoors and taking a hike in one of our national parks!

Period Tax
Did you know feminine hygiene products are considered a luxury item? Yes, it is, well at least in the eyes of the government. Females are taxed for having periods; products, like pads and tampons, are taxed across the globe today, but men’s razors are not. Why? Because it’s seen as a necessity. It makes sense. We, girls/women of this world are spoiling ourselves when we buy these products to stop the blood. We are treating ourselves once every month by paying more tax money. This problem affects women/girls of all ages, ethnicities, race and just any females out there.

 ARTWORK Copyright, Registration and Fair Use
There is no clear border between artists copying and getting inspired. Copyright protects original works of authorship. It is very important for artists, designers, and other creatives to understand about copyright, both to protect works from being stolen and to avoid being accused of stealing another’s ideas. Art is automatically copyrighted at the moment of its completion, but the creators have a choice to register their artworks to be safer—and fair use can be a defense against copyright infringement.

Breast Cancer Awareness :

Thousands of men and woman are either emotionally or physically effected by breast cancer everyday. It’s a condition that is very hard to come over, but if you are able to catch it early on you have a better chance of overcoming the cancer or at least getting the best treatment possible for you. I feel that woman in their 20s don’t start taking the proper steps to check themselves for breast cancer. I feel it is either because they are scared to find out or are unaware the seriousness of breast cancer. It is a scary and touchy subject, but by shedding light on the matter we can possibly help save at least one woman of this terrible disease.

No Re[spec]t.
Many young artists and potential students are willing to do just about anything to get their works and name out in the field. But is free pitching the right way? There are other and BETTER ways to start your career! It is important to understand and acknowledge the healthy relationship that a client and artist should have. Speculative work goes against everything to the fundamental priority of entering the design industry. This infograph is for all preparing and rising artists/designers.

Log In
We live in an age where everything we need or want is at the touch of our iPhones. Our world is slowly turning completely digital even down to our social interactions. The significance social media has on this generation and the one’s to come is expanding rapidly. Today, an individual can initiate a career out of branding themselves and/or endorsing their entire product/ service on their social network. At the same time, we reflect on the lifestyles being portrayed on social media, thus causing us to compare our lives with those that are dramatically lavish/extravagant. But the central question lies, will social media essentially ruin society, or will it initiate a new digital revolution?

Sacred Geometry
What does a shell, a flower, a human, a pyramid and honeycomb all have in common? They are all formed through sacred geometry. Sacred Geometry is a concept that is found in the structure of everything in our reality, and is referenced in every culture around the world. Famous artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci studied sacred geometry, hence his famous Vitruvian Man. As artists, knowledge of sacred geometry is crucial to our understanding of design, composition, form, anatomy, and much more.


PMDD – Mental or Myth?
Many women have experienced PMS; the bloating, the cramps, the cravings, the crying. But what happens when the tiredness turns into days of missed work? What do women do when the crying turns into thoughts of suicide? PMDD, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder, is a condition many women are unaware of, partly because the medical field is still so indecisive on whether or not it exists. But for women who experience the pain and suffering of PMDD, it is very much real. This infographic’s mission is to call attention to the signs and symptoms of PMDD for women who are experiencing more than just general PMS but don’t know where to turn. Let’s start a conversation and find a cure before time runs out, because for all who have PMDD, if left untreated it only gets worse.

Stop That!
What’s more regrettable than making and staying with an unfortunate habit? Bad habits are statistically proven to wind up as distractions and can seamlessly influence all that you do in your every day life. There are assortments of approaches to overcome these, for example, the notorious 21 day rule. This infographic covers more than the psychological negative sides but addresses the most positive end with respect to good habits and how they can be made at a comfortable pace and bolster your every day craft.

Child Labor
Around 215 million children throughout the world work, many full-time. They do not go to school or have any playtime. They  are denied the chance to be a child. More than half them are exposed to the worst kinds of child labor such as hazardous environments, slavery, illicit activities including drug trafficking and prostitution, as well as, involvement in armed conflict.